Rates & Amenities
Primary Facility - Barn & Pavilion
Enjoy the lush lawns and shaded spaces of our outdoor market area along with the expansive gathering barn. Tables and chairs available for rental. Full electrical and water access. Maximum tent size 30’x80’ with stakes, 40’x90’ with weighted tie-downs.
$800, full day
Gathering Barn
Seats up to 80 people. Tables and chairs included with rental. Decorative lighting adds a quaint ambiance to your meeting or event. Facility includes AV equipment – two 54” wall mounted monitors with available computer HDMI hook up and basic sound equipment.
$400, half day
Conference Room
Seats up to 12 people. Wide screen TV display with HDMI and Internet access. Conference phone available. Large white board allows for brainstorming and planning.
$25 per hour
Artisan Kitchen
Fully equipped with anything you might need from large commercial stoves and ovens and more. Refrigerator, freezer, and dry storage space. Features state of the art wood fired brick ovens.
$200, half day

Daily and non-profit rates available. Catering upon request.
All rentals require a $100 damage deposit to be returned after rental, if no damage incurred. "Full day" events are considered any setup, facility use, and tear down that is longer than 5 hours.

Tour Our Facility "Virtually" Anywhere
Explore our state-of-the-art Market facilities from the comfort of home at your computer, or in the palm of your hand on your mobile device!
Check out our 360 Views to get a look at the inside of our Gathering Barn, Artisan Kitchen, and Conference Room. It's the perfect tool when trying to plan your next event.