A Helping Hand
The Frankenmuth Farmers Market is a non-profit organization with the goal of putting fresh, local goods into the hands of community members. But we need a little help to make it all happen.
We utilize grant opportunities each year, but those usually have to go to specific uses. That's when we look to the support of our local businesses and area residents. Every single dollar that comes into the Market goes back out, whether that be into bettering our market programs, towards facility upgrades, or simply paying our friendly staff to help us keep this ship running smoothly.
Your donation to the Market helps us uphold our mission of educating growers, producers, and consumers on our rural heritage, as well as supplying fresh local products and goods.
Wondering how you can be a part of our mission? Find our donation information below or reach out to us!

In order to keep doing all the cool things the Frankenmuth Farmers Market is known for, we need your help. Consider joining our Friends of the Market program or making a donation to support our mission. If commitment isn’t your style, we understand – make a one-time donation to the freshest NPO in town!

Sponsoring the Market
Your support means so much! There are so many programs at the Market that would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors and donors through the year.
Children’s programs like “Mighty Machines at the Market” and the “Power of Produce” program are great examples of programming sponsored and funded by our local businesses and resident supporters. Your donations and sponsorships also help the market maintain our facilities and amenities so that they are here for you and your community when your next occasion to gather comes around!
From music to specialty markets, from dinners to dishes, sponsorship helps FFM grow!

Collaborating with local businesses is kind of our thing.
At the Frankenmuth Farmers Market, we work hard to ensure that everyone has a shot at making their business the best that it can be. FFM offers many opportunities for growers, food producers, and artisans through our Markets and facility spaces. But did you know we help many non-profits and established larger businesses in many ways as well? Ensuring that our local community thrives is at the heart of FFM's organizational mission and programs. If you own your a business, run an organization, or are thinking about local entrepreneurship, please reach out to our Market staff and ask how we can best help you grow in the Frankenmuth community with barrier-free opportunities and market entry assistance.
Funding Opportunities
Kroger Community Rewards
Help raise funds for the Frankenmuth Farmers Market every time you shop at Kroger! When registered for the Market, your Kroger Rewards Card can return a portion of your grocery bill to the Market’s fundraising efforts. To participate, use your Kroger Rewards Card (available at the store) to register your Kroger Customer ID Number online at www.krogercommunityrewards.com. Click on “Enroll” or “Re-Enroll” and then search for “Frankenmuth Farmers Market” or enter NR151 as the Market’s Organization Number. Complete the information required and a percentage of your spending will be donated to the Market! Be sure to scan your Kroger card for each and every purchase. Kroger requires all participants to re-enroll April 1 of each year, so you may want to mark that on your calendar each year as a friendly reminder to be a friend of the Market! Contributing to the Market has never been so easy! Be sure to spread the word to family and friends. We thank you for your support!
Amazon Smile
Help support the Market by shopping AmazonSmile! Shop the same great products you always find on Amazon, using smile.amazon.com as your starting point! Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to the Market should you select it as your charity of choice! On your first visit to AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), you will prompted to select a charitable organization from their list of eligible organizations. You can change your selection at any time, but we ask that you choose now and select the Frankenmuth Farmers Market as your non-profit of choice!
To change your charitable organization:
1. Sign in to smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
2. From your desktop, go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
3. Select a new charitable organization to support.
Learn more about the AmazonSmile program >
Direct Donation
Every dollar counts! We accept monetary donations to help keep the mission of the Frankenmuth Farmers Market going. Your dollars help us to host our summer markets to bring fresh, local foods to the community, bring education to those looking to learn, and provide a place for small businesses to grow.